Strengthening Knowledge Management for Greater Development Effectiveness - CIHEAM Bari

Knowledge Unit Objectives
Enhancing job opportunities and social inclusion for youth, through training activities and accompanying paths (MEDABincubator activities) to fostering business culture and the creation of innovative start-ups, focusing on areas more concerned with migration and social instability phenomena. Strengthen youth enterprises component in cooperation projects
Enhancing the innovation and knowledge transfer through the intensification of the collaboration among researchers and enterprises, with a focus on young people. Strengthening of the relationships among CIHEAM, private sector and the different actors of the job market and innovation chain, developing innovative tools and methods to favor the innovation transfer and adaptation in the Mediterranean region.
Developing the model of Mediterranean rural social innovation and strengthening Social Innovation component in cooperation projects
Strengthening the Mediterranean Innovation Ecosystem through MIP Network activities and creating a Mediterranean Business Network Data base and Observatory.