Genetic Analysis for Some Quantitative Traits in some populations of Faba Bean

Five populations of faba bean were advanced from F2 to F3 generations by simple recurrent selection at Terbol research station, International Centre for Agricultural Research in The Dry Areas (ICARDA), Lebanon. During the growing season summer 2013. The produced genotypes of selection were evaluated in winter 2013-2014 in order to estimate the narrow-sense heritability and genetic advance for seed yield, plant height, pods per plant and 100-seeds weight traits. The results showed that S2012-085 population was superior in heritability for seed yield (0.5), 100-seed weight (0.5) and pods per plant (0.5), while the population S2012-133 was recorded the supreme value for plant height (0.858). The results demonstrate that genetic advance for seed yield trait was varied from 53% to 72.4%, and the highest value of genetic advance for seed yield was belonged to the population S2012-018 (72.4%). Most of traits under research were recorded a moderate values of narrow sense heritability accompanied with high values of genetic advance, indicating to the importance of additive genetic variances related to the total genetic variances, Consequently, recurrent selection is very important to apply in order to improve the traits across segregated generations of faba bean.