Wheat pests: insects, mites, and prospects for the future
Published Date
June 27, 2017
Book Chapter

Kirk Anderson, Mustapha El Bouhssini, Frank Peairs, Gary Hein, Steven Xu
Wheat pests are the subject of this chapter and the previous one. There are four major taxa of wheat pests. Rodents and nematodes were discussed in the previous chapter. Insects and mites are discussed in this chapter. Case studies are presented for eight species: Hessian fly, orange wheat blossom midge, bird cherry oat aphid, greenbug, Russian wheat aphid, Sunn Pest, wheat stem sawfly and wheat curl mite. We end with a discussion on future prospects for genetically based wheat resistance and new pest management technologies.
Marion O. Harris, Kirk Anderson, Mustapha El Bouhssini, Frank Peairs, Gary Hein, Steven Xu. (27/6/2017). Wheat pests: insects, mites, and prospects for the future, in "Achieving Sustainable Cultivation of Wheat". United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland: Burleigh Dodds.
sunn pest
wheat pests
hessian flies