Managing rangelands: promoting well-adapted shrub species: Atriplex nummularia: Highly drought and salt tolerant shrub, well-suited for rangeland rehabilitation and for providing quality fodder for livestock when herbage availability is low

Atriplex nummularia is a key feed resource in times when other feed is not available. This plant is grown in arid areas all over the world and is often promoted to improve forage availability. As a result, this plant is easily accessible in many areas. Improved rangelands with this plant provide an economic alternative especially during the dry season. This plant is a good choice for sites high in salinity. It will grow in saline environments up to 300 mM and growth will decrease in higher saline environments. It should be noted that water intake of livestock with high salt diets will increase 2-3 times. It is adequate in crude protein content but low in energy. Leaves have a higher nutritive value than twigs. The high amount of salt limits its potential. When tested in north eastern Jordan crude protein of leaves reached a maximum of 17.7% in the twigs and 21.3% in the leaves in February. Crude protein declined from June to December. This feed it intended to carry livestock over through the dry season. It is suggested to supplement with grain or good quality hay for optimal animal performance. It is known as one of the most productive plants for wool production.