Prebiotic Oligosaccharides, Resistant Starch and Sugar Alcohols in Lentils: Implications for Obesity

Imbalanced energy intake, coupled with low concentrations of
bioactive compounds in foods, has fueled the rising epidemic of obesity
and related non-communicable diseases. Currently, over 35% of
American adults are obese, including nearly 17% of children and
adolescents. In relation, chronic non-communicable diseases result in an
estimated 36 million deaths globally each year. To combat these dietrelated
disorders, support health, and contribute to overall sustainability
of health care, it is important to develop foods that supply proper amounts
of energy and nutrients. Lentil (Lens culinaris L.), a cool season food
legume, is a good source of protein (20-30%), essential fatty acids,
micronutrients, and prebiotic carbohydrates and elicits a low glycemic
index. Carbohydrate profiles of lentil that contribute to healthful effects
include prebiotics: raffinose-family oligosaccharides, fructooligosaccharides,
sugar alcohols, and resistant starch. The book chapter will
provide insights on prebiotic carbohydrates in lentil, including genetic
diversity and growing environmental and processing effects.
Additionally, the chapter will include a synopsis of health consequences
associated with consumption of these important prebiotic carbohydrates,
and, in closure, will discuss avenues of further research.