GxE evaluation of salinity tolerant barley genotypes by AMMI model

The highly significant variances due to interaction, environments and genotypes were observed by AMMI analysis of salinity tolerant barley genotypes under multi location trials. The genotypes G6 and G13 with negative IPCA1 values showed positive IPCA2, IPCA3, IPCA4 values. Genotype G1 showed lowest value of D with smallest negative IPCA1 score (-0.013). Genotype G18 followed by G8, G1 and G5 were the stable performer based on ASV. Yield stability index advocated G8 followed by G5, G10, G4 and G12. The results of MASV indicated that genotypes G5, G1, G15, G17, G9 and G19 were stable, whereas genotypes G5, G9, G8 and G11 were the stable genotypes with relatively more average yield. Overall mean ranks of all of the AMMI estimates, genotypes G5, G1 and G8 were the most stable genotypes followed by genotypes G17 and G18.