ICARDA Gets Quality Legume Seeds to Lebanon

As part of the ICARDA/LARI joint capacity development project funded by the Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development (AFESD), ICARDA provided the Lebanese Agricultural Research Institute (LARI) with 722 Kg of quality legume seeds. This activity was encouraged by the Lebanese governments’ policy of supporting food security by cultivating quality legumes suited to the regional climate.
ICARDA was requested to assist LARI and the Government of Lebanon in its legume seed multiplication efforts by providing quality seeds from advanced varieties bred by ICARDA scientists. ICARDA will assist LARI in the seed multiplication operations at Tel Amara and will cover all costs of production from planting to packaging. This will help LARI in producing seeds from ICARDA’s new varieties and making these quality seeds available to Lebanese farmers.
ICARDA was able to provide LARI with 722 kg of breeder seeds that include 450 kg of chickpeas (from 7 advanced varieties), 155 kg of faba bean seeds (from 6 varieties) and 117 kg of lentil seeds (from 5 advanced varieties). The seeds were collected and transferred to Tel Amara where they will be planted. ICARDA is also prepared to provide any technical assistance to LARI’s staff if needed to ensure that the best seed production practices are followed. LARI will select those that are most suitable for Lebanese climate and release them for official registration in Lebanon.
ICARDA remains committed to its strategic partnerships with LARI and AFESD towards achieving better seed dissemination from improved legume varieties to Lebanese farmers and hence better food security in Lebanon and the region.
ICARDA would like to express its gratitude to the Lebanese Agricultural Research Institute (LARI) and the Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development (AFESD) for their support and collaboration.