The 2DI Mena Grand Challenge Stakeholder Meetings - 22-24 of June

As the only CGIAR center headquartered in the region, ICARDA is leading the “MENA Grand Challenge” (MENA-GC) as part of the Two Degree Initiative (2DI) led by the alliance of CGIAR, World Resources Institute (WRI), and Global Commission on Adaptation (GCA) to foster a Climate Smart AgriFood Sector.
One of the eight hotspots designated as a “Grand Challenge” in the 2DI vision is the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. Over four decades working in the region, ICARDA has built trusted networks and provided tailored dryland agriculture solutions tested by the communities who live there.
As the only CGIAR center headquartered in the region, ICARDA is leading the “MENA Grand Challenge” (MENA-GC) and presenting this Stakeholder Meeting along with, IWMI, IFPRI, the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Egypt, Word Fish, and Wageningen University
The Webinar series will take place over the 22nd, 23rd, and the 24th of June
- Stakeholder Kick-off Meeting
June 22, 2020, 1300-1500hrs Cairo Local Time (CEST)
Presented by various stakeholders and partners.
- Climate Smart Value Chains (CSVC) Lift
23 June 1100-1300hrs (CEST)
Led by Bezaiet Dessalegn (ICARDA) and Harrison Karisa (WorldFish).
- Integrated Seed Systems (ISS) Lift
23 June 1400-1600hrs (CEST)
Led by Zewdie Bishaw (ICARDA), Marja Thijssen (WUR), Abdoul Aziz Niane (ICARDA).
- Early Warning Systems and Advisories (EWA) Lift
24 June 1100-1300hrs (CEST)
Led by Ajit Govind (ICARDA) and Giriraj Amarnath (IWMI).
- Water Accounting, Assessment and Management (WAAM) Lift
24 June 1400-1600hrs (CEST)
Led by Amgad Elmahdi (IWMI), and Vinay Nangia (ICARDA)
As a part of the 2DI over the last two years, and in its quest to achieve a climate-smart MENA, ICARDA has collaborated with communities, governments, the private sector, NARS, and the scientific community to identify seven major areas of focus that should be developed to make MENA climate-smart. These form our “mega hypothesis”. These seven research-for-development areas (“Lifts”) are specially selected because each will build on each other’s opportunities and strengths, to multiply impact and lift the level of resilience of the targeted communities, by making their agrifood systems climate-smart.
The aim of the stakeholder consultations (via a combination of survey, webinars and pitches is to bring the experiences and knowledge of different stakeholders to the table to take the first steps in the development of various approaches towards a climate-smart MENA along with the various factors associated with the Lifts in the MENA region.
The following points will be investigated:
[1] The potential impact and benefits of the Lifts,
[2] Identifying existing challenges to the implementation of the Lifts,
[3] Identifying potential public-private partnerships,
[4] Developing R4D projects and test cases for on-the-ground impact
[5] Identifying funding for co-funding of specific projects,
[6] The potential for scalability
[7] Identifying links with cross-cutting themes (policies, gender, youth, and capacity development).
For more details please download the program below.
If you would like to attend any of these events, please e-mail MENA-GC Stakeholder Meeting Convener Dr Ajit Govind ([email protected]) for an invitation.