Goodbye Dr. Samir El-Sebae Ahmed

Dear Friends,
It is with deep regret and sadness that I inform you of the passing of our dear friend and former ICARDA colleague Dr. Samir El-Sebae Ahmed, on Wednesday 27th May 2020 in Toronto, Canada.
Dr. Ahmed was a valued member of the ICARDA family for almost 30 years and retired in 2006. He contributed tremendously to ICARDA’s success and reputation as an international center by focusing on the training and development of individuals across academic institutions, national research systems, global agricultural institutions, partner organizations and many more. He was highly respected by the national systems in Central West Asia and North Africa (CWANA) and beyond, where he had long-lasting influence through his efforts on educating and developing agricultural professionals.
Dr. Ahmed has a PhD degree in Crop Science – Plant Breeding. He joined ICARDA in 1979 as a Training Officer and became the Head of Human Resources Development – Training Component Program in 1995.
He will be remembered for his warm personality, scholarship, and deep experience by his students, trainees, and everyone at ICARDA. Dr. Ahmed is survived by his wife Jumana and his two sons Rami and Sami. My deepest condolences go to them as well as to our ICARDA family with whom he spent a great deal of his life.
May his soul rest in peace.
Aly Abousabaa,
Director General, ICARDA