International Forum on Eurasian Food Security Network and Eurasian Soil Partnership

The International Forum on Eurasian Food Security (Agriculture and Nutrition) Network and Eurasian Soil Partnership, held on February 29 - March 2, 2016, in Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic, was jointly organized by the Eurasian Center for Food Security (ECFS), Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the World Bank, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) and Global Forum for Agricultural Research (GFAR). It presented the opportunity to discuss and analyze current trends in food security management in the Eurasian region and generated the discussion about best and most effective practices to promote and expand multi- and cross-sectoral collaboration on a country, regional and global level. Mr. Choduev Erkinbek, Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Melioration of the Kyrgyz republic, was the Guest of Honor.
Discussions were held on a new global food system that will play a more active role in economic and social development throughout the developing world. “This new food system must be inclusive, nutritious and healthy, climate-smart, sustainable, business-friendly, and productive in order to deliver multiple-win outcomes,” said Dr. Shenggen Fan, Director General of the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI). He also provided an overview of the state of global and regional food security and nutrition, and discussed how to reshape the food system to feed the world healthily and sustainably alongside meeting other development goals.
Several scientists from ICARDA including Dr. Kamel Shideed, Assistant Director General for International Cooperation and Communications, Dr. Alisher Tashmatov, Executive secretary of Central Asia and the Caucasus Association of Agricultural Research Institutions (CACAARI) and a leading expert on social and economic research at ICARDA and Dr. Richard Thomas, Director of the CGIAR Research Program on Dryland Systems (CRP-DS), and Dr. Botir Dosov Coordinator of the Central Asia Strategic Innovation Platform of CRP-DS were among the conference speakers and panelists. They presented their research findings and successful approaches for tackling many challenges related to the changing consumption patterns and population dynamics, ecological decline and resource scarcity affecting the region of Central Asia and the Caucasus (CAC).
Food policy experts and other stakeholders including representatives of Civil Society Organizations, NGOs, Farmers, Women and Youth associations from Eurasian region participated in discussions to identify food security and soil issues and how to tackle them, improving collaboration and cooperation in the Eurasian region. Participants also looked at the barriers to sustainable soil management in Eurasia and possible ways of overcoming them. A new video on Innovation Platforms was launched to raise awareness of effective collaboration approaches among varied stakeholders.