Short-term consultancy: a national agriculture research strategy for Palestine

Published Date
June 15, 2015
Published by
ICARDA Communication Team
ICARDA will manage the development of the Agricultural Research Strategy for Palestine
ICARDA will manage the development of the Agricultural Research Strategy for Palestine
Short-term Consultancy Announcement
Development of National Agriculture Research Strategy for Palestine
ICARDA through its West Asia Regional Program in Amman will manage the development of the Agricultural Research Strategy for Palestine 2016-2020 in partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture in Palestine. The fund for the implementation of this project is allocated by the Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development (AFESD). This strategy aims to reinforce the Palestinian’s approach for the improvement of agriculture production and productivity and farmers livelihood, to assure the sustainable management of natural resources, and to ensure high level of food security. Therefore the national Agricultural strategy established in 1999 will be updated to achieve the main objectives of national social and economic plans and to serve agricultural and rural development.
The mission tasks are:
1. Diagnosis, description and assessment of the status of Agricultural Research in Palestine and identification of research priority programs:
Assessment of the current status of Agricultural Research in Palestine: institutional framework, governance, management, recruitment procedures, staffing and qualifications of researchers, career and developmental paths of researchers, status of women and youth researchers, research facilities, labs and equipment, financial issues and the constraints.
Identification of agricultural research capacity gaps in Palestine thematically, geographically, with focus on formally assessed stakeholders’ needs.
Identification of constraints of Agricultural research in Palestine.
Identification of research priority themes to be included in the new strategy at the short and long term: detailing objectives, expected outputs and outcomes and impact on the ground. 
Formulation of the research programs should be in line with the MoA results based management system guideline.
2. Strengthening Institutional and technical capacity of NARC 
Develop NARC research programs of priority areas for the next 5 years (objectives, methodologies, expected outputs….)
Suggest NARC institutional reform plan including upgrading of experimental stations, labs, facilities, management policies….
Develop the action plans and investment plans for NARC.
Develop the strategy document according to the Palestinian strategy development guide lines. 
Develop performance indicators and impact assessment framework linked to the indicators of the Results Based Management System of the MoA.
Suggest a monitoring and evaluation plan for the new strategy.
The mission needs a team composed by two experts with the following expertise:
  • International expert in research policy and capacity development strategy development. 
  • National expert in Agricultural research project management.
Duration: 6 Months for the National expert; 32 (within the 6 months) days for the International expert 
Qualifications needed for the International expert:
A minimum of PhD degree in agriculture science, socio-economics, development policy, or closely related fields
At least ten years of international experience in international organizations relevant in research strategy and capacity building development.
Experience in conducting analysis and reporting results in the related areas.
Preferably experience in management of agricultural research centers.
Experience in preparing and formulating strategies and action plans.
Ability to work in an interdisciplinary team with different educational backgrounds and cultural orientations
A proven record in work needed.
Qualifications needed for the national expert:
A minimum of PhD degree in agriculture science, socio-economics, or closely related fields.
At least ten years of relevant work experience in Palestinian agricultural research center with experience in research project management.
Preferably experience in management of agricultural research institutions.
Extensive field experience related to implementation of agricultural research for development.
Experience in conducting analysis and reporting results in the related areas.
Ability to work in an interdisciplinary team with different educational backgrounds and cultural orientations
A proven record in work needed.
Candidates will be assessed against the following:
Extent to which above minimum requirements are met. 
Ability to plan and organize work and participate in a multi-disciplinary team.
For this consultancy position, please submit your CV to ; the deadline for submission is Sunday 21st of June 2015.
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