ICARDA’s Board of Trustees approves Center's Intellectual Property Policy

ICARDA, as one of the member Centres’ of the CGIAR, takes seriously its mission to improve livelihoods and food security in the world’s driest areas. For this reason, it strives at all times to ensure that its research results become and remain international public goods and are disseminated and used as widely as possible. To mark such commitment on 27 July 2014 ICARDA’s Board of Trustees approved the new Intellectual Property Policy (“IP Policy”).
The IP Policy, in line with the overarching Principles on the Management of Intellectual Assets of the CGIAR, provides ICARDA’s scientists with a framework and guidelines within they can operate and work with third parties, including the private sector.
The IP Policy gives a clear set of principles in relation to the management of intellectual assets, copyright, genetic material, and stewardship. The effect of such IP Policy will certainly create more accountability and transparency in all ICARDA’s research collaborations.
A Frequently Asked Questions document will be developed in the next few weeks with the assistance of all researchers who will provide input as to how to implement and apply, from a practical point of view, the IP Policy in their daily work and activities.
To see the IP Policy click here.