ICARDA's DG Awarded by FAO

ICARDA’s Director General, Dr. Mahmoud Solh, received the FAO 70th Anniversary Commemorative Medal for his lifetime contributions to global food security, alleviation of hunger and malnutrition, and sustainable management of natural resources – the three goals at the heart of the Food and Agriculture Organization’s mission.
Mr. Abdessalam Ould Ahmed, FAO Assistant Director-General and Regional Representative for the Near East and North Africa (NENA) awarded the medal at the NENA regional office, on 10th January, 2016, thanking Dr. Solh for his distinctive support to FAO’s work in the dry areas of the developing world, particularly the Near East and North Africa region.
“I am deeply honored to have been chosen for this award” says Dr. Solh. Affirming ICARDA’s continued commitment to FAO’s mission, he stated, “the strategic partnership between ICARDA with FAO in general and the FAO Regional Office in particular is so important to link research with development to ensure impact on the livelihoods of rural agricultural communities. This partnership with the current wise leadership in FAO-NENA has reached very high level of collaboration in areas of mutual interest.”
The FAO 70 Medal is a commemorative award granted by FAO to recognize the efforts of key global stakeholders who assisted FAO achieve its mission over the past 70 years. Dr. Solh, well-known for his passion for the cause of food security and poverty alleviation, has devoted his science and research career of over 30 years in leading sustainable agriculture initiatives in developing countries, largely in the dry areas where natural resources are scarce, climate variability is a significant challenge in achieving food security and poverty levels are high.