ICARDA and Cairo Water Week 24-28th October

Every year ICARDA participates at Cairo Water Week (CWW), where global experts come together to discuss water challenges and opportunities in one of the most water-scarce regions in the world.
CWW is widely recognized internationally as one of the largest, and most important, water-related events of the year. It is organized by the Egyptian Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation, under the patronage of H.E. Mr. Abdel Fatah El-Sisi, President of the Arab Republic of Egypt, in collaboration with national, regional, and international partners.
CWW is not a one-off event, but rather part of a series of activities aimed at better connecting water organizations and wider water sector industries, regional interests, and communities. The fourth edition of the CWW series of conferences, Cairo Water Week 2021, will take place during the period from 24th to 28th of October 2021 in Cairo, Egypt and will address the main theme
“Water, Population, and Global Changes: Challenges and Opportunities”.
Several human-induced factors put pressure on global water levels and the most worrying - extreme temperatures and weather variability – are due to climate change. Combined with exponential population growth, expanding urbanization, and the depletion of natural water-retaining landscape, the future availability of water in global drylands is ever more uncertain.
In theory, water scarcity can be reversible if these issues are addressed while prioritizing appropriate water resources management. CWW is the opportunity to discuss water actions and solutions with global experts, governments, development organizations, the private and public sectors, and all other stakeholders concerned with water scarcity.
Several topics will be addressed during the event through various plenary and technical sessions and for the first time, the effects of climate change and population growth will be one of the key topics of the discussion. This will provide a broad framework for governments to align water use patterns with the needs and demands of different users, including the environment.
ICARDA’s scientists will be leading and participating in two events:
- Measured and Remote Sensing-based ET determinations: Results, learnings, and applications (Oct 28, 2021 12:00 PM Cairo time)
Convener: ICARDA
Co-conveners: FAO, SIDA
Registration link: https://cairowaterweek.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwocu2grzMoGtTcGUetYqGpK7L7FAoSN5Jc
ICARDA Scientists:
- Vinay Nangia, Research Team Leader
- Ajit Govind, Climatologist
- Chandrashekhar Biradar, Research Team Leader
- Remote Sensing Determination of Evapotranspiration: Outcomes from the FAO Webinar Series (Oct 28, 2021 09:30 AM Cairo time)
Convener: FAO
Co-conveners: ICARDA, SIDA
Registration link: https://cairowaterweek.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0kduyqqT8uHdz7YJ7put1rwYrsdUhf8wB3
ICARDA Scientists:
- Vinay Nangia, Research Team Leader
- Chandrashekhar Biradar, Research Team Leader
(Some CWW events are fee-based)