FAO/ICARDA webinars on measuring evapotranspiration - now open

ICARDA and The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) are pleased to announce the launch of a Webinar Series on the Measurement of Actual Evapotranspiration: Basic principles, and measurement methods.
The webinars cover a number of evapotranspiration measurement themes including underlining the time and space scale of measurement applications and analyzing their accuracy and suitability for use in arid and semi-arid environments. Each webinar will include a 45-min lecture by an international expert followed by a 15-min presentation of a regional speaker (except on November 10) and, finally, a 30-min Q&A session with audience.
We will also discuss specific problems of each method for correct application in the MENA region to adapt to climate change, and the increasing scarcity of freshwater for sustainable agriculture.
The webinar Series will also focus attention on state-of-the-art methods for measurement of actual crop evapotranspiration (ETa).
The Webinar Series is part of the FAO-funded NENA Regional ETNet Project led by ICARDA and national partners from Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, and Tunisia.
Here’s the line-up of world-renowned experts in the field of ET measurement that are going to speak in the webinar series. Mark your calendars!
Date of webinar |
International Speaker |
Topic |
Regional Speaker |
September 15 |
Gary Marek (US Department of Agriculture) |
Comparison of ET estimates from a surface layer scintillometer and a large weighing lysimeter |
Alaa Mosad (ARC-Egypt) |
September 29 |
Dennis Baldocchi (University of California - Berkeley) |
Lessons Learned about Ecosystem Evaporation from a Global Network of Eddy Covariance Sites |
Rim Zitouna (INGREF-Tunisia) |
October 13 |
Steven Evett (US Department of Agriculture) |
ET by Soil Water Balance: Weighing lysimetry and soil water sensing approaches |
Naem Mazahrih (NARC-Jordan) |
October 27 |
Suat Irmak (Pennsylvania State University) |
Fundamentals and Measurements of Surface Energy Balance, including Evapotranspiration, with the Emphasis on Bowen Ratio Energy Balance System |
Ehssan Elmeknassi (IAV Hassan II-Morocco) |
November 10 |
Christopher Neale (University of Nebraska - Lincoln) and George Burba (Li-Cor Bioscience) |
ET Flux Networking: Latest Tools for Connecting Flux, Remote Sensing & Modelling Communities via Time- and Space-Synchronized Datasets |
November 24 |
Bill Kustas (US Department of Agriculture) and Joseph Alfieri (US Department of Agriculture) |
ET Measurement Uncertainties and Implications for Model Validation |
Ihab Jouma (LARI-Lebanon) |