Dr. Theib Oweis returns to ICARDA

As of 1st April 2017, Dr. Theib Oweis returned to ICARDA as the Acting Director of the Integrated Water and Land Management Program on a part-time basis stationing in Amman, Jordan.
Dr. Oweis had joined ICARDA as an Irrigation and Water Management Scientist in 1991, worked in several capacities as scientist, principal scientist, research team leader, research manager and a Director of IWLMP.
After retirement end of 2015, Dr. Oweis continued providing his expertise to ICARDA while holding a position of Distinguished Guest Professor at the International Platform for Dryland Research and Education (IPDRE) of Tottori University in Japan.
He holds an MSc and PhD degrees in Agricultural and Irrigation Engineering from Utah State University, Logan, Utah, USA in 1979-1983, and BSc in Agriculture from Aleppo University in Syria in 1968-1972. He is the author of more than 200 publications in the areas of water use efficiency/productivity, supplemental irrigation, water harvesting, salinity and optimization of water use in agriculture and management of scarce water resources in dry areas.
In addition to his role as acting Director of IWLMP, he will be a focal point and a lead for collaboration with IPDRE of Tottori University.