ICARDA's Proven Transformative Approaches to Cultivating Dryland Resilience

ICARDA's partner-led research portfolio, with more than forty years of work in the region, has generated a wide-ranging body of scientific evidence on how to strengthen food system resilience in dry areas. We take a holistic food systems approach that considers inclusive social and economic opportunities to support national and regional development and food security strategies.

Our 2030 strategy, released in 2024, sharpens and updates our research focus to ensure that our solutions remain current and deploy the latest agri-innovations and digital technologies to keep pace with accelerating climate change. ICARDA's strategic climate science approaches are designed to address the challenges of CWANA and the Middle East directly.


Climate Smart Crops
ICARDA plays a critical role in the conservation, development, improvement, and dissemination of climate-resilient, market-driven crop varieties.
Integrated crop-livestock production systems cushion each sector from external pressure and optimize economic, social and environmental conditions.
Integrated crop-livestock production systems that help farmers cope with changing climate scenarios.
Conservation Agriculture
Delivering practical technologies and solutions to help smallholder farmers produce ‘more with less.’

Impacts in 2023

People benefited from training courses
People benefited from training courses
Partnership agreements signed or renewed
Partnership agreements signed or renewed
Research projects implemented in 29 countries
Research projects implemented in 29 countries
ISI journal articles published
ISI journal articles published
Plant accessions regenerated
Plant accessions regenerated
International nursery sets distributed to partners in 43 countries
International nursery sets distributed to partners in 43 countries
ICARDA crop varieties released by national partners
ICARDA crop varieties released by national partners
Publications and datasets
Publications and datasets

Cross Cutting Themes

Our cross-cutting research supports our three research priorities to provide integrated packages that help farmers to implement our innovations and new approaches and allow them to flourish:

ICARDA laboratory


ICARDA innovations help countries and communities strengthen their adaptation to climate change and transition towards food and nutritional security.

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ICARDA Female Scientists

Our Experts

Our diverse scientists offer a broad range of specialized skills within multi-disciplinary teams that generate evidence-based solutions grounded in science and in-depth knowledge of the environments and countries within which we work.

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