Sebastian Feger

Sebastian Feger
Human-Computer Interaction Researcher

Sebastian Feger is a Human-Computer Researcher at ICARDA Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) Team. He is based in Germany. Sebastian advises ICARDA on a user-centered Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) research study regarding the design and use of MEL and research data management workflows. He is a Ph.D. graduate in HCI at LMU Munich. His doctoral research focused on supporting and motivating open and reproducible science through the design of interactive tools. 

Before embarking on his Ph.D. journey, Sebastian supported SAP Research Switzerland in an EU project on infrastructure for autonomous vehicles. He worked as a research fellow at the European Organization for Nuclear Research, a leading laboratory in one of the most data-intensive branches of science.  

Sebastian specialized in gamification, knowledge management, and sharing as part of his studies. Sebastian received the German federal Wolfgang Gentner Scholarship for his research.  He speaks English, Italian, French, and German.

Sebastian Feger's Publications