Joren Verbist

Joren Verbist is a Technology Systematization Officer at ICARDA’s Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) Team. He is based in the Netherlands. Together with the MEL colleagues and ICARDA scientists, Joren documents promising Sustainable Land Management (SLM) technologies and innovations in online databases, particularly the World Overview of Conservation Approaches and Technologies database.
Before working at the ICARDA MEL team as a Dutch national, Joren studied at Wageningen University, where he pursued a double Master’s Degree, one of which was in International Land and Water Management with a specialization in Sustainable Land Management.
He holds a second Master’s Degree in Economics, Management, and Consumer Studies, specializing in Business Studies; for his master's thesis, Joren assessed the business economic feasibility of increasing ecosystem services on arable farms in the Netherlands. He speaks English, Dutch, and basic Spanish.