Irene Carpentier

Irène Carpentier has been a geographer at CIRAD (UMR SELMET) since June 2022, and assigned to ICARDA in Tunis (Tunisia) since 2023. She is working on the territorial governance of rangelands and collective action for sustainable pastoral resources management. She holds a doctorate in geography from the University of Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne (UMR LADYSS CNRS/IRMC-Institut de Recherche sur le Maghreb Contemporain-Tunis).
Her thesis looked at new ways of developing oasis territories in southern Tunisia, and proposed a reflection on sustainability models in a context of economic and political crisis in post-Arab Spring Tunisia. Her post-doctorate (ERC TARICA-CNRS) focused on the political dimension of the ecological transition in Tunisia and Morocco, addressing a range of issues: the coexistence and confrontation of agricultural models at the policy level, and the processes of decentralisation and reconfiguration of power at a local level.
Her research experience combines work on the dynamics of rural territories in Tunisia and Morocco, and work on electoral analysis, in international multidisciplinary projects. From 2020 to 2022, she was a teaching assistant in geography and history in the Arab studies department at INALCO in Paris, France.