Charles Kleinermann

Research Team Leader Charles Kleinermann is the Research Team Leader - Capacity Development at the International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA), based in Rabat, Morocco. He has 15+ years of capacity development and management experience. Before Morocco, he was based in Egypt (4 years) and Jordan (5 years). Within the CGIAR, he has served as an elected member of the CGIAR Community of Practice on Capacity Development. He now serves as a capacity development expert in the ONE CGIAR working group on Capacity Sharing for Development (CapSha4Dev). Mr. Kleinermann is also a board member of the Borlaug Training Foundation. Before joining ICARDA, Mr. Kleinermann has been working in Brussels, Belgium, as Deputy Secretary General of the European Movement International and Secretary General of a think tank on Euro-Med Relations called MEDEA. Charles has an MSc in International Relations, a DESS in European Studies and a DEA in Political Science.